Understanding and navigating the intricacies of special needs planning can be an overwhelming experience. At the Law Offices of Amy L. Jenkins, we work with you to create a thorough plan that protects their vital government benefits while saving money to supplement their needs now and in the future.
Our special needs planning services include:
A Special Needs Trust helps your loved one with special needs remain eligible for needs-based benefits while providing other assets to enhance the beneficiary’s quality of life.
It supplements, rather than replaces, essential support from government programs like Medicaid, covering expenses such as:
The provisions to create a Special Needs Trust can be incorporated into a parent’s Revocable Living Trust, meaning it does not have to be a stand-alone document.
An ABLE Account (Achieving a Better Life Experience) empowers individuals with disabilities to save and invest in a tax-free environment without jeopardizing their eligibility for needs-based public benefits.
ABLE Accounts can be used to pay for a variety of expenses related to living with a disability including:
Not only are ABLE accounts tax-advantaged, but they also offer a contribution plan that allows for extra savings, proving to be incredibly helpful for individuals with disabilities.